Thursday, 6 March 2008

The Pie and its JoJo

A nice piece of art showing the JoJo in front of the Pie.

Cartoon of the JoJo

A cartoon head that looks vaguely like the JoJo

The Four Symbols of Pieism

Here are the four symbols of Pieism, one for Pieism and the Pie, one for JoJo Pieism, one forthe JoJo and one for the Followers.

The Great Black Lobster

One of the earliest artworks of the Lobster god, one of the three Dominion Gods.

The Baked Pie

Here's a cool image of a complete Pie

The Pie in Creation (Pie 6)

One of my favorite images of the Pie, tradionally called "Pie 6"

Pie Lovers Unite

A great picture which represents the Pie and it's JoJo (plus followers)